Monday, May 16, 2011

Bird Is The Word

Pretend today is Saturday (ahhh...wouldn't that be nice!).

May 14th was International Migratory Bird Day!  But hey...I'm willing to extend the salute for the rest of the month for the little birdies.

Here are some bird-lovin’ tips…

1)  Look for “Bird Friendly” marked packages of your favorite coffee. This simply means the coffee grew under trees used by migratory birds.  If your coffee is growing under that big yellow star in the sky (the sun), it’s exposed to more pests which means more bad chemicals in your morning cup of Joe.

2)  Ever wonder what “Cage-Free” and “Free Range” mean on your chicken products? Cage-free means that mama hen wasn’t in a cage.  However, it does not mean she was allowed to sing like Julie Andrews in the open green pasture. If you see the label “Free Range”, you can now start singing Freebird.  A company can only use this label if their farm has met the USDA’s free range poultry practice.

What chipper chicken choice will you make this week?



Brutalism said...

I adore your alliteration.

What are you doing to GBAU?

The Green, The Bad and The Ugly said...


I'm going to update the blog with a new design (currently working on), more tips, links to green sites, etc. I'll also keep posting my longer commentary.